Thursday, May 16, 2013

Today's Bad Decision

Let's cut to the chase. We have known each other too long to beat around the bush about something so trivial. I tried to cut my own hair in the mirror and failed. Here is the long story:

A few weeks ago...more like a month and a half, Forrest and I decided we were going to lose weight. Well, my handsome husband is currently 30lbs lighter and I am just about where I started. I decided one day that I needed more motivation. I told him that if I could lose just TEN pounds that I would reward myself with a good haircut. I love going to a salon and having my hair scrubbed by someone I don't really know and then getting a gloriously overpriced coiffe. Unfortunately with a baby and a budget and more things to care about than myself, this does not happen too terribly often. Not because Forrest won't let me go, but because I am a real cheapskate. So, back to my reward system and failure thereafter. Today I got the harebrained idea that maybe...just maybe I could get away with trimming it the mirror myself. I would not be breaking my bet/challenge and my mother-in-law does this regularly and she is still alive to tell about it. Why not, right? Anyway, about 10 minutes and a sink-full of hair later I decided to call it quits and declare myself the loser of this ill-chosen game. I couldn't seem to make my "tiny trim" even on both sides and my hair kept getting shorter...and shorter. I was even using a makeup mirror to trim the back. YIPES!

I ran to the phone to inform Forrest that I needed what I dubbed an "emergency hair cut" and then called a salon to see what they had this afternoon. Two hours later I came home with much shorter hair, but I am happy to say that the gristly home-dyed blond part is all gone! I was really enjoying having long hair. I had even begun to master the tricky art of self-French-braiding. Oh well. It'll grow again!

Here are a few "selfies" that I took of my salon cut. Enjoy!


Chris and Lydia said...

I love it. And I love that you tried to cut it yourself.

Seriously though, it's really cute, very flattering!

See you Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Love it! Love the story behind it too. Been there - done that. lol
