Anyhoo-- Back from my daydream about le stud. What you might not know, is that one other gifty came in the mail this week as part of my birthday extravaganza!
Up til now we had been using a massive box fan (which I found in a closet when I married Forrest) to create white noise. It broke last week, leaving us severely handicapped. We had to make due with a teeny fan that barely made enough noise to cover a snore, let alone lull Augie to sleep. This little guy came in the mail yesterday, and I am in heaven...or waterfall, depending on the setting. It is amazing. Slightly pricey, but who can put a dollar amount on the ability to stay up making noise and watching TV in a small house without your baby waking up in the next room, right? Some of the settings will never get used, but I really enjoy "brown noise". It is the white noise setting, with the "richness" button pushed twice. It is a lovely, low hum. In reality, it is almost exactly like "waterfall".
Absolutely delicious.