I promised myself I would be doing weekly posts throughout my pregnancy, but alas, this post is a few days later than planned. I have a valid excuse though-- I almost died. Well, that is what it felt like at least. I hit the nausea part of pregnancy last week and I hit it HARD. So much for having a clean toilet bowl when all you can do is lean over the side of the bed to chunder into a bucket and hope nothing comes out of your nose (yes, it did). After several attempts at telling myself and others I could do it without Zofran, since I realllllly wanted to avoid the...ahem..."side effects" that come along with it, I caved. Letting that first pill dissolve on my tongue and slowly starting to feel like a human again had me immediately hooked. Two days later, of course, there were repercussions, i.e. a big glass of prune juice with Miralax dissolved in it and a few other details and wailing's we won't go through. Either way, I highly recommend this miracle drug. I think Forrest does too, as he was surely getting tired of me rolling around in bed and crying about how "I was never going to do this again" and "Why can't I just go ahead and die already". Dramatic? Yes, but I never denied I was a complainer before our nuptials. Accurate assessment of how I felt? Also, yes.
Other annoying things about my first trimester of pregnancy:
My mouth ALWAYS tastes bad
My nose bleeds when I blow it in the mornings
I vacillate from exhaustion to insomnia every few days
Even with the Zofran food always sounds, tastes, and smells icky
This is what my belly buddy should be looking like by the end of the week...
This may be the pregnancy hormones talking, but how stinkin' cute!!
I also decided that I would take a belly picture every month, so this Sunday I will put up 8 weeks, though I doubt it will be too impressive.