Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Rain Gutter Bookshelves

Today Forrest and I finished Augie's new book shelves. They are made out of-- you guessed it!-- rain gutters. This project was cheap, simple, and cute. I would link a DIY site but if you just Google it you will find page after page of instructional's on how to do this. 

Oh yeah, I also painted the walls sky blue and painted a tree on the wall. I decided that I wanted to stick with something simple and relaxing. Ahhh. I love laying in here to play with him. I wondered in THIS post from when I was 4 weeks pregnant with Augie when I would get the "nesting urge" to create a nursery. Well, he has lived in our room up to now and I have never decorated a room for him. Until now. I guess this is my mind and heart realizing that soon it will be time for him to transition. 

One last funny thing: This is how Augie insists his shelf (well, the only one he can reach so we put the board books in) must be kept. I kept trying to lay out the book nicely, and he kept fixing it back this way. Sigh. Love that boy. 

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